Can You Afford Emotional Expense?

Maryse S. Marius
2 min readAug 31, 2021

Situations in life can be emotionally expensive, and I’m writing this from personal experience.

Our dog passed away last night.

Under our particular circumstances, there was no saving her. We tried everything.

She had been a part of my life for over 1/3 of mine.

Compared to our other dogs, it’s not toooo long, but we had a special bond.

When we got back home after it all, my mind was brought back to the Buddhist philosophy that “attachment leads to suffering”.

I’m not quite sure if I’m interpreting this as it was intended to be (this literally), but it feels spot on right now.

(Note to self: learn more about this philosophy.)

Did I make a choice to get attached?

Well, I didn’t decide that “Oh, I’m gonna be attached to you.”

I did, however, create the perfect environment where it was possible, nearly inevitable (if not so).

This now leads me here:

In life, we rarely think about the more expensive costs of our actions and how taxing certain experiences can be, once they do come about.

We don’t (want to) anticipate the downsides/the worst. We “choose” not to think about the possible circumstances under which we can find ourselves.

But really, can we afford to support these events all the time?

Ask yourself: Are you prepared?

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